iMusic Idol Official website
An Official website for iMusicIdol Ltd. It is built during internship in iMusicTech Ltd.

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Event Management System
An event management system for Atozet Launch Symposium that provides functions like marking guests' participation and showing a welcome message.

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WSM Music Official website
An Official website for WSM Music Group Ltd. It is built with Meteor and Blaze.

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FinHACK Official website
An Official website for FinHACK Hackathon orgainized by WHub. Responsible for Design and Implementation sponsor page and challenges page. It was built during my Internship in WHub.

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WHub Official website
An Official website for WHub. Responsible for Design and Implementation of the events page. And Implementation of the new design for talents, startups page. It was built during my Internship in WHub.

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AIA Vibe app
An app for mental health tracking. Provide stress level and recommendation to keep user mentally healthier. It was built during AIA LIFEHACK18.

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